Executive Space

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Alberto Fernández Varela

interim management

Expanded Managerial Capability: The Impact of Interim Managers on Advisory Boards

Donwload IM Guide

It is clear to no one that adaptability and informed strategic decision-making for our companies are crucial for long-term success. This is where the synergy between advisory boards and interim management stands out as an invaluable strategy, especially for CEOs or Boards of Directors looking to expand their managerial capacity and secure a sustainable competitive advantage.

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your next ceo

How to select your next CEO: A guide for the board of directors

The selection of a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is one of the most critical and strategic decisions a board of directors can make. The right choice of CEO can propel the company to success, while an inappropriate choice can lead the organization down a path of difficulty. Here are a number of considerations to keep in mind so that boards can conduct an effective search and selection of their next leader.

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Talentor Summit

From Amsterdam with love

Doing international business can be an exciting challenge, but it can also be a difficult task if the relationship between people with cultural differences is not properly managed. This is the maxim under which we always operate within Talentor International, the international network of headhunters, present in the 5 continents, to which Servitalent has belonged for more than 3 seasons.

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How do people contribute to your company's strategy?

The diversity of people in management teams improves the implementation of strategy within the company, therefore, the importance of strategic assessment in the processes of selection and development of people is increasing in modern organizations. In this sense, Servitalent has incorporated in its assessment methodology for middle managers, managers and Interim Managers, a strategic assessment tool called AEM-Cube®, which helps individuals, teams and organizations to understand and address strategic situations and challenges.

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