Full coverage in International Recruitment in the 5 continents

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Servitalent is integrated as exclusive partner in Spain in Talentor International, one of the most important global networks of recruiters and headhunters in the world, providing specialized recruitment and selection services in more than 35 countries and now celebrates being present in the 5 continents, after the recent integration to the network of Carrington Associates, who are Talentor Australia!
Sabine Steiner, COO of Talentor International, shares in an exclusive interview that it is a milestone for Talentor International to have a partner now also in the fifth continent and comments "we are very proud and happy to have been able to win Sachin for our executive search network".
While Hana Hadzic, Partner Acquisition at Talentor International, adds that "being globally connected in an international network is the ultimate added value not only for cooperation between partners and their companies, but also for a strong connection outside of day-to-day business. We understand that as a network of like-minded people working professionally, we exchange more than just ideas and learn from each other every day. As of this year we are also represented on 5 continents and are allowed to align our network with Australia. We are very happy with this addition and look forward to many more in the future."
Alberto Fernández, our CEO in Servitalent adds "Having a global network of very consolidated teams in the Executive Search sector is a guarantee of success to support the international development of our clients".
Undoubtedly, we join this event and celebration by having one more partner within this network that allows us to consolidate our position as a global provider of Executive Search and Interim Management services.
"Individually, we are a drop. Together, we are the sea. - Ryunosuke Satoro, Japanese writer