How to prepare your company to take advantage of European Directive 2024/1233 in international hiring

How to prepare your company to take advantage of European Directive 2024/1233 in international hiring

Directive (EU) 2024/1233, which must be adopted by EU member states by May 21, 2026, promises to simplify the international hiring process for workers from third countries. This regulation establishes a single residence and work permit within the EU, opening new opportunities for businesses, particularly in the industrial sector.

What does this mean for your organization? In this article, we explore how Human Resources (HR) departments can prepare for this directive and take advantage of its benefits to optimize growth and competitiveness.

1. Adapting international hiring processes

The Directive simplifies the hiring of specialized talent from outside the EU, which is crucial for sectors like the industrial one. What can your company do?

  • Update recruitment procedures to comply with the new single permit requirements.
  • Establish a tracking protocol to streamline the management of permits and visas.

These actions will reduce onboarding times and ensure a smoother process.


2. Ensure equality in working conditions

he new regulation strengthens equality in working conditions between domestic and international workers. To comply with this:

  • Review salary and benefit policies to ensure fairness.
  • Develop training programs that promote the integration of all staff, regardless of their country of origin.

A fair compensation policy will attract top talent and help retain key employees.


3. Enhance the attraction of international talent

The mobility of qualified workers within the EU is another strong point of the Directive. Take advantage of this by:

  • Developing an international Employer Branding strategy that highlights the benefits of working for your company.
  • Implementing onboarding and mentoring programs to facilitate the cultural and operational adaptation of new employees.

A solid onboarding program will improve productivity and reduce the time needed for international employees to adjust.

4. Comply with health and safety regulations

It is essential to ensure the well-being of your entire staff, especially international workers who may not be familiar with local regulations.

  • Offer occupational safety training in multiple languages to ensure understanding of protocols.
  • Establish a direct communication channel to address safety-related questions or concerns.

Complying with these regulations not only protects your company from risks but also improves morale and the overall well-being of the team


5. Promote diversity and inclusion

With the incorporation of more international talent, it is essential to manage diversity effectively in your company. To do this:

  • Develop clear inclusion policies that foster respect and collaboration among employees from different cultures.
  • Promote an inclusive organizational culture where diversity is valued as a strategic asset.

Creating an inclusive work environment will improve team satisfaction and performance.


6. Plan for economic and logistical impact

Hiring international talent involves additional costs, such as relocation expenses and permits. Plan efficiently:

  • Budget for these expenses and assess their impact on the company’s financial planning.
  • Establish clear relocation policies so that international employees feel supported from day one.

Proper planning ensures that your company remains profitable and competitive, even with the arrival of new international employees.


Take advantage of the opportunities of European Directive 2024/1233

Directive (EU) 2024/1233 offers a great opportunity to strengthen your team with global talent and overcome local labor market limitations. Preparing your organization for these changes is crucial to maintaining competitiveness.

At Servitalent, we are experts in international recruitment and offer Employer of Record (EOR) services, helping companies manage international talent efficiently and in compliance with regulations.

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