Servitalent obtains the Responsabilízate seal

Servitalent during 2023 had the honor of participating in the last edition of the "Responsabilízate" program, promoted by the Consellería de Promoción do Emprego e Igualdade de la Xunta de Galicia.
¿Qué es “Responsabilízate”?
Responsabilízate es un programa que brinda asesoramiento personalizado y gratuito a pymes con el objetivo de activar medidas que promuevan el desarrollo sostenible, fomentando modelos de negocio que integren aspectos económicos, ambientales, sociales y de buen gobierno.
Program phases: Diagnosis, training and design.
The journey began with an exhaustive individualized diagnosis to analyze the current implementation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria in our company. This process provided us with a detailed report, highlighting sustainability trends in our sector and identified strengths.
Subsequently, we participated in a training course, "ESG Fundamentals for Businesses", complemented with personalized counseling sessions. We learned how to apply the Global Reporting Initiative methodology to develop a dual materiality matrix, identifying our ESG challenges and opportunities.
The design and implementation phase culminated in a customized Action Plan with strategic objectives to manage environmental, social and governance impacts, ensuring effective adaptation to environmental changes and long-term positioning with our stakeholders.
Community and collaboration
Durante el programa, además se promovieron iniciativas para construir una comunidad cohesionada de pymes y microempresas gallegas interesadas en la sostenibilidad empresarial. Destacando la creación de Embajadores Responsabilízate, liderando actividades y apoyando el plan de continuidad de la comunidad.
Cycle of sectorial webinars
Five sectoral webinars were also held, exploring Corporate Social Responsibility in specific areas. These events provided valuable information on the integration of ESG criteria into business models, highlighting sustainable practices and sectoral challenges.
Provincial meetings and training dynamics
Open meetings and training dynamics were held in several cities, where we shared best practices and challenges related to corporate sustainability. These events, led by participating companies and benchmark entities, strengthened the exchange of knowledge.
Responsabilízate" on-line community
A virtual space was created for the Responsabilízate community where we share resources, tools and experiences, strengthening collaboration between companies and sectors.
Seal delivery
The program ended with an event that highlighted the work carried out by the participating companies throughout the program, highlighting their pioneering role as SMEs and micro-enterprises driving business sustainability in Galicia. Two round tables were held to address the importance of the transformation of SMEs in the new sustainable economy. The event culminated with the delivery of official certificates of the Sello Responsabilízate to each company.
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