Breaking boundaries in the search for managerial talent

It is noticeable, and very much so, how the mentality of managers and employers has really changed for some time now.
I could refer with this very generic phrase to many things, but I am going to be a little more specific: I am referring to the mental openness to hire talent outside your location, outside where you have traditionally looked; there is no limit, there are no borders and this is very important to keep in mind.
In Servitalent, we specialize in the search of executive profiles, middle management and highly qualified profiles.
And we do it globally.
Because as I said at the beginning, there are no borders anymore. Talent is in different places. And that specialization is what allows us to show it to the client.
As director of Servitalent, one of my concerns during this last season has been to continue to make entrepreneurs see the importance of not closing themselves off to look abroad. But not only that. But how important it is to do so. That is to say, today, we compete globally in almost every aspect. Why shouldn't headhunting and selection be one of those aspects? Undoubtedly, they are.
In addition, we realized quite some time ago that in order to be an international benchmark, we had to be present at a global level and that is why currently, in addition to Spain (Madrid, Vigo, A Coruña, Seville, Valencia and Bilbao) we are present in more than 35 countries through the Talentor International network as their exclusive Spanish partner (Talentor Spain). This gives us a very high operational capacity.
And not only that. It also brings us very close to our customers. We have a very close relationship with our clients, we are there not only when they start a process but any day, whenever we can help them. We offer them, thanks to our experience with different clients, sectors and countries, a vision that goes beyond the mere fact of the work done.
The demand for managerial talent far outstrips the supply. And that is why it is important to carry out the processes with a professional team, with proven experience and who can not only do the work you need, but also give you other points of view and interest, which can only be acquired with experience.
The people who manage organizations have a powerful challenge ahead; we are living moments that will be studied in the history books: the great resignation, silent resignation, disappearance of millions of positions as we know them today, creation of millions of new positions, management of the paradigm shift, teleworking, flexibility, compensation policies... and a long etcetera.
Therefore, before you could think of doing yourself as an employer or company, it is very possible that if you do it today on your own, the manager you incorporate may not be entirely adequate.
That's what we are here for.