How do people contribute to your company's strategy?

The diversity of people in management teams improves the implementation of strategy within the company, therefore, the importance of strategic assessment in the processes of selection and development of people is increasing in modern organizations. In this sense, Servitalent has incorporated in its assessment methodology for middle managers, managers and Interim Managers, a strategic assessment tool called AEM-Cube®, which helps individuals, teams and organizations to understand and address strategic situations and challenges.
The AEM-Cube® is based on three dimensions of analysis: attachment, exploration and management complexity. These dimensions combine to form a comprehensive picture of an individual's strategic contribution. By assessing an individual's position along each dimension, the AEM-Cube® provides information on their preferred attachment style, their optimal contribution to the growth curve, and their preference for managing complexity.
The attachment dimension refers to whether a person's preferred contribution is predominantly directed toward content or toward personal relationships. The exploration dimension refers to a person's optimal contribution to the growth curve, i.e., whether he or she is a natural risk taker versus implementer and stabilizer. The management complexity dimension refers to whether a person's preferred contribution is more as a specialist or more as a generalist.
The AEM-Cube® is not only useful for individual evaluation, but can also be used for team evaluations. In these contexts, different people involved in the strategic definition or members of a team can participate in a 360° evaluation process. By visualizing these different perspectives in a single picture, teams can quickly understand the characteristics, strengths and challenges of the group as a whole. This makes the AEM-Cube® a powerful tool for decision-making on responsibilities, individual development and collective strategy.
In addition, the AEM-Cube® is a valuable tool for training and individual strategic development. By providing insight into an individual's natural preferences for contributing to the organization's strategy and growth, it helps people understand what types of activities, environments and relationships energize them and make them feel most comfortable. By understanding their natural preferences, individuals can use this knowledge to further develop themselves and align their contributions with the strategic objectives of their teams.
AEM-Cube® has become a powerful and essential tool in the selection processes of Servitalent, as well as in the adequacy of Interim Managers in their missions with clients, and of course, as a head tool in specific management assessment services.