The mystery of salary in job offers: Why do companies keep it secret?

lack of communication

In one of his latest posts, Alberto Fernández, CEO of Servitalent, reflected on Linkedin on this issue and his post generated numerous reactions. This is an issue that worries many job seekers and generates distrust and uncertainty.  

The reasons behind this lack of transparency can vary, but some recurring reasons are the following ones:

Privacy culture

In many cultures, including Spain, talking openly about salary is a taboo subject. Many people feel embarrassed or uncomfortable talking about their salary, even with close friends or family. This culture extends to companies, where salary is considered a private and personal topic.

Lack of information.

Many companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, do not have a clear and objective salary structure.This is due to a lack of resources and the absence of a human resources department that can establish and manage such a structure.In these cases, the company may choose not to specify the salary in the job offer, and wait to see what other companies in the market offer.


In some cases, the company prefers not to specify a specific salary in order to have some flexibility in negotiating with the selected candidate. This is because the compensation package may include other benefits and conditions that can be negotiated depending on the candidate's profile and the company's needs.

Although these reasons may be understandable, the lack of transparency in the salary area can generate mistrust and inequalities in the labor market. Candidates may be discouraged from applying for offers that do not specify the salary, which may limit their ability to choose and negotiate.

It is important that companies begin to consider pay transparency as a way to attract and retain talent.


By specifying salaries in their job advertisements, companies can show their commitment to pay equity and to valuing the work of their employees. This, in turn, can improve the company's perception in society and contribute to creating a fairer and more transparent labor market.

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