The strategic plans of the companies and, of course, the commercial objectives of the companies, the goal is moved in the middle of the game, all this aggravated, as if it was not enough, with a crisis in one of the key sectors in the economy; the transport, which meant the paralysis and a great impact on the logistic chain of the country, and therefore of the markets.
In this new context, the commercial departments have had to adapt to the new reality of our customers (mainly in B2B sales) and to our own, undoubtedly managing commercial and strategic plans in the short term. Decision-making is shorter, and there has to be a continuous review of results and actions in the face of these "milestones" that are occurring in an increasingly unpredictable way. If we heard and heard about the VUCA environment, then welcome to its practical application raised to the maximum power. 🚀
Our recently published Interim Management Hiring Guide 2022 shows results, the result of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of 350 management profiles in this area, which demonstrate the importance and need of companies for profiles closely linked to business development, to business development in changing contexts. Not only will the required profile be important, but also that the company shows its capacity to adapt to increasingly volatile environments, and that it can reorganize its business or value chain "just in time". But what will these profiles have to be like and, going a little further, what will the companies that attract these profiles have to be like? It will be important for the company to be able to attract talent and retain it, showing a capacity for innovation and adaptation in its value chain processes if necessary, in the face of the difficulties that are occurring and that mainly affect energy and the scarcity of raw materials on occasions.
The candidates perception of the company's strength will be key to attracting talent. On the part of the candidates, "soft skills" will have more and more weight in the selection processes, they were already doing it without a doubt, but now even more so. Undoubtedly, competencies linked to the ability to make quick and structured decisions, as well as competencies aligned with innovation, make the difference. All of this, of course, in a technological and digital environment in which both companies and candidates should be on board. This is today of course, tomorrow we will see 😃.
Professionals and companies that make a difference in today's context

Just when we thought we had seen it all, nothing could beat a worldwide pandemic, a war breaks out... In the middle of the 21st century.