Executive Space

Multiculturalism: How does it affect your international recruitment?

Written by Javier Conde | Oct 20, 2022 10:19:32 AM

The Basque economy and business fabric has always been marked by the important weight of industry and, in recent years, with a strong investment in innovation and international projection.

This has led Basque companies to demand more and more management and development capacity in their organizational structures, not only in the Basque Country, but also beyond Spain's borders.


Because one thing is very clear: nowadays geographical mobility is no longer an impediment.


For this reason, companies are increasingly demanding a professional figure that has become very relevant: the headhunter with international capacity and with an operational structure in the destination countries. It is essential to have a local resource.

Because every day it is more common (and in demand) to have multidisciplinary teams, different cultures within the same team, and within the same organization.

But... are these cultures capable of working together in such a way that they have a match? When something is said in a certain tone and in certain words, does everyone understand the same thing?

You know the answer. No. 

Now, imagine what happens when you try to attract talent (recruit) in a culture that is not your own.

Indeed. Absolute disaster. Frustration over missed targets. Failure to hit the mark. And most importantly, the problem is still there!

In my opinion, in order to have expertise in a country, you have to know the country, you have to live it, know its history, its idiosyncrasy, its "street". Therefore, it is necessary to have a very strong link with the country (it can be having an office there). It is also important to have a link between your office in that country and your head office; and here, again, multiculturalism comes into play again in the teams.

It is not the same to be talking to a person from, say, Australia, as it is to be talking to an English person. Because they understand interpersonal relationships differently. And the ways will be different. What for one is normal, for another may be a lack of education; and yet, both are looking for the same thing: to attract and retain managerial talent.

It is in our hands, as international Headhunters who are part of the Talentor International network as its exclusive partners in Spain (Talentor Spain), to understand the different cultures, opinions, ways of doing, saying and acting, to help them solve a problem that, without a doubt, if we do not do it, will not be solved by itself, precisely because of the difficulty involved.

Multiculturalism improves the creativity of the teams, improves the reputation of the team members and there are fewer conflicts between them.


The same happens when you have at your side a company that has this multiculturalism because it has this international capacity.

It will undoubtedly help you, and very well, with this cultural GAP that you have to cover.