I still remember as if it were yesterday, that we made the decision (a good one, I can say after time has passed) to position Servitalent in the Basque Country. ðŸŽ¯

Historically it was not a territory in which we were very present, and we made the decision to change this. There was a long way to go, but there was also a lot of desire to accomplish it.

I, as Associate Director in charge of this challenge, had my mind clear: we had to show that we had arrived there.

How? by communicating. If you do not communicate, if you are not seen, if you are not present, it is as if you do not exist.

No matter the product / service, if you do not communicate, you have absolutely nothing. 

This is a reality, whether we like it or not.

We got down to work. We designed a communication and marketing plan; different actions to be carried out, their timing and the objectives pursued with them.

We started to organize events; we established ourselves physically (more specifically with an office in Bilbao); we decided to invest in SEO and SEM.

In short, a series of steps that, little by little, where showing results. We began to be known more in the Basque Country; companies, mainly industrial in the territory, began to visualize and undertsand how we could help them. 



Since Servitalent is specialized in the industrial field, the decision to be (more) present in the Basque Country was a matter of time. And of common sense.

Also, the Basque Country has industrial companies that, in addition, have a presence outside Spain, at an international level. And again, there is a win-win match: Servitalent is the exclusive partner of Talentor International and therefore is Talentor Spain.

Talentor International is one of the most important global networks of headhunters with coverage in more than 35 countries. And Servitalent is the company selected to cover the Iberian market.

But there is more. We have been working for many years in the Interim Management activity, so our expertise in this field is very broad. We started in 2014 when the two words - Interim Manager - were barely known here in Spain. This is a differential point without a doubt. And we had to communicate it as well.

Today in the Basque Country there are many companies that contact us and request an Interim Manager directly to fill a position. Before, this was unthinkable, due to lack of knowledge. There was always a selection process.

All this, obviously and as you may have already deduced, has a lot of work behind it. You have to be good at what you do; you have to do it with quality; you have to have a good team accompanying you. 

However, there is one thing that even if you have all this, if you don't do it, it won't do you any good to have it. ðŸ’ª