Among the different options we have when it comes to acquiring talent in companies, one that stands out is the figure of an Interim manager. 


Interim Management consists of the incorporation, on a full-time or part-time basis, through a service contract, of professionals with extensive managerial experience to carry out a specific mission within the company with previously defined objectives to be achieved and in a specific time frame... 

This type of services have already been widely used in engineering companies over time, although more in the position of project manager, site manager, etc. Engineering companies are more project oriented than others, each order/service is different from the previous one, they have to continuously update their level of knowledge in methodologies, applications, technical solutions, etc. They must always be at the forefront to stay in the market. In these companies new lines of business are also constantly emerging, with the application of new technologies requested by customers or new methodologies such as digitization, BIM. They are companies in continuous change and of course, each project/client is a company within our company, with its means, resources, objectives and results.

All this makes it necessary, not only for the projects themselves, but also for the daily management of the company to have properly trained personnel, with the necessary experience in each case, and who are able to apply it immediately. With greater objectivity in their diagnosis and decision making. People who seek to obtain results in a short period of time and provide commitment, involvement and speed. And very importantly, they can help our staff to be trained so that when they finish their mission, they are prepared to face the future.

In rugby there is a figure, the impact player, a refreshment player who is expected to turn the game in favor of the team, well, the interim manager is something like that, is not the holder of the position, but when he enters to play is integrated into the organization, and begins to contribute and solve problems from the first moment, and when it ends can give way to a person of the organization to which it has formed.

This figure in companies in constant evolution, adaptation, learning, such as engineering companies, can solve situations efficiently, which otherwise could be a problem and a wear and tear for the resources and time that should be devoted...