Servitalent presents the English version of the new edition of the Interim Management Hiring Guide 2023.
This Guide, which includes information on the market, trends and figures, has become a benchmark in the sector.
It has been prepared by part of Servitalent's own team, specifically by members specialized in Interim Management who, for the realization of the Guide, have relied on the Interim Management State in Spain Report 2022, based on data previously collected through contacts on LinkedIn for the study, also carried out by our team.
Servitalent's main objective is to disseminate this activity in Spain and internationally, as well as to support the development of the market.
If you are interested in Interim Management, with this Guide, Servitalent wants to put figures of order of magnitude to help you, whether you are a professional or a company, to better understand the sector.
We also encourage you to share it, so that it can reach companies and professionals who may consider Interim as an alternative to provide management skills.